Concept of this site

Happiful is a community of kindred souls who find poetry hidden in the everyday.
We are comrades who cherish unbounded imagination and
the gentle power of creativity unrestrained by convention.
This site is a small universe where the spirit of Happiful dwells—
a sanctuary for the soul and a sacred space for creativity.
Here, everyone can shine in their own unique way. May your inner poet awaken,
and your dormant creativity blossom.

Our aim is to gently unravel the shells of power structures and fixed ideas,
encouraging a fresh perspective on the world. In the garden of Happiful,
seeds of unconventional ideas grow freely,
sometimes like wildflowers, other times like cultivated blossoms.

In this world, there exists not only what can be seen with the eyes,
but an infinite universe that can be felt with the heart and touched by the soul.
We are the explorers of this universe and the sailors of dreams—
a gathering of those who dare to imagine.

To all who visit this site:
Within you sleeps a wonderful creativity.
It's a color unique to you, needing no imitation of others.
We believe that the distinct sensibilities each person possesses
can make this world more interesting and kinder.

That's why Happiful aspires to be a gentle presence,
softly encouraging the free ideas within you.
Here, unconventional thoughts and slightly odd dreams
are all warmly welcomed.

So let's open the door to imagination together.
Surely, a landscape full of surprises and discoveries awaits us there.

Welcome to the world of Happiful.
Here, your creativity might just find its wings.