Semantics without Meaning: Reflections on the Infinite Complexity and Self-similarity of the Concept of Meaning

Before life was born, the universe already existed. And life was born with the universe. Although humans are part of it, we have self-centeredly thought of ourselves as the center of the universe. However, this thinking is wrong. The universe is not self-centered; it is structured so that the whole is in balance. Recognizing oneself as a part of the universe is self-realization in the true sense of the word.
Furthermore, the human capacity for thought functions in accordance with the laws of the universe. Everything is interrelated and causally related. The same is true of human thought, and the problems that we create for ourselves can also be solved by ourselves. This is because the universe aims to know itself.
And man can use his power of thought to transcend himself. This is to become one with the will of the universe, and to find the true meaning of existence. In other words, the power of thought that man possesses signifies his connection with the universe.
Furthermore, the universe is constantly changing. It is also associated with the evolution of life. Humans, too, must constantly change in order to self-actualize. By changing ourselves, we can deepen our connection with the universe. And in the process of self-realization, we can transcend ourselves.
Such thinking has the potential to change the way the world is. When human beings recognize themselves as part of the universe and self-actualize, they can transform society and the world.