About Kindness. The gentle me speaks. Gentleness is imagination and cleverness.

Today we will have a heated discussion about kindness.
We have invited as our interlocutor a guest, Mr. Fearful Tiger.

First, let me give you my opinion about kindness.
Kindness is imagination, and imagination is cleverness. In other words, a kind person is wise. Conversely, I think that smart people are kind.

Fear The Tiger
This may be true for some, but not for all. Kindness, imagination, and wisdom are different concepts, and they are not necessarily linked. Even those who are considered wise are not necessarily kind, and conversely, those who are kind are not necessarily wise.

Your assertion was that these concepts are independent of each other, which may not be absolutely true. In some respects these concepts do indeed work together and complement each other. For example, the ability to use one's imagination to understand another's point of view requires deep insight and knowledge. Therefore, from this perspective, wisdom and kindness are closely related.

Fear The Tiger
Once again, kindness, imagination, and wisdom do not necessarily go together. A wise person's imagination does not necessarily make him or her kind, and conversely, a kind person is not necessarily wise. I don't know why you think all these things go together, but that's just your opinion.

I understand. I acknowledge that you are right about kindness and cleverness.
Let's change the perspective and talk about "imposing kindness and just self-satisfied kindness".
Generally speaking, a person who is considered to be kind is someone who actively acts in a way that is considered kind, which means that he/she is imposing kindness and making the other person feel self-conscious.
It is difficult to be with such a person because you are competing with each other to see who is having the hardest time and making them care about each other.

Fear The Tiger
This does not apply to everyone. True kindness is paying attention to the feelings and needs of others and trying to respect them through one's actions. It is not about forcing something on the other person. A truly kind person understands and respects what others want and don't want.

As I have stated before, the act of imposing kindness is not the same as true kindness, yet misunderstandings and communication gaps can still occur in relationships. A person who wants to be seen as kind may have their actions misunderstood and this may be perceived as an imposition. It may also be the case that the person did not intend to make the other person feel uncomfortable.

Fear The Tiger
I think your argument is misleading on this one. There are people who impose kindness on others, I agree. But that doesn't apply to everyone. Misunderstandings and gaps in communication are common in relationships, but I don't think it's fair to attribute them to the issue of kindness. If kindness feels like a burden, then it is likely a communication problem.
In a nutshell, relationships are complex, and it is impossible to explain everything with a single concept. Everyone is different, and it is important to understand that.
I couldn't get anywhere, so I broke off relations with Mr. Fearful Tiger.

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