
A Universe of Words and Sounds - An Evening of Poetry and Music


Moonlight gently envelops the town at night. Happifuru Club once again opens its doors to the liberated zone of the soul. This monthly gathering, entitled “An Evening of Poetry and Music,” invites us into a universe of words and sounds.
The space was renovated from an old warehouse. Soft light and shadows intermingle in the space. Geometric patterns are painted on the walls, and crystal mobiles sway gracefully from the ceiling. The space itself is like a poem.
As the evening sun begins to set, people gather in groups. Their eyes sparkle with freedom, freed from the daily grind. Everyone here is a poet and a musician.
The event began with a reading by a young poet.
Have you ever heard the whisper of stardust?
It is a piece of cosmic memory
An eternal poem engraved on our souls.”
Her words echoed through the space. Then, the tone of the musicians, who began to improvise, enveloped the words. The piano melody expresses stardust, the violin plays the expanse of the universe, and percussion beats the pulse of the soul.
The words of Reinhold Niebuhr come to mind: “The language of the soul is poetry. The language of the soul is poetry, and the language of the spirit is prose. Here, soul and spirit merge to create new expressions.
Next came an older poet. His voice is as solid as the trees over time.
Drifting in a sea of memories
Islands of oblivion
The flowers that bloom there
Colors without names.”
As if in response to his words, the flute tones express the waves of the sea, the harp the islands, and the saxophone the nameless flowers. It was as if a Surrealist painting had become music and colored the space.
The words of André Breton come back to life: “Poetry has the power to change lives. Poetry has the power to change lives. At this moment, something is certainly changing. The shell of my everyday life is slowly melting away, and a new perspective is being born.
As the night deepens, the reading and performance become more improvisational. Words give birth to sounds, and sounds evoke new words. It is like the creation of a universe.
Sound born from nothingness.
Words spun from sound
The world drawn by words.
There we stand.”
At this moment, the entire venue becomes a poem. Even the audience's breath becomes a part of this great poem.
The words of Pablo Neruda echoed. Poetry is an eternal journey of exploration. The Happifuru Club's “Evening of Poetry and Music” may also be an endless journey of exploration.
At dawn, the event quietly draws to a close. A new light shines in the eyes of the participants. It is a radiance that only those who have traveled through a universe of words and music can possess.
They return to their daily lives. But it is no longer the same everyday life. Poetry and music have planted a seed in their souls. That seed will eventually sprout and blossom.
Happifuru Club's “Evening of Poetry and Music” is not just an event. It is a ritual that awakens our inner poet and musician. And that awakened creativity will make the world richer and more beautiful.
So, why don't you visit this liberated zone of the soul on the next full moon night? Surely, the sleeping poet within you will awaken and play your own unique cosmic song